Our Calling
We believe God is calling us to fulfill the mission and strategy He’s given us with the view that there is nothing more important for Vantage Pointe than to help our family, friends and new friends become growing disciples of Jesus Christ. We recognize that there are still thousands of people in Glens Falls, New York and surrounding areas who have never found the unfailing love, certain forgiveness, and abounding grace available to them through a personal relationship with Creator God. We know God is calling us to reach men, their families and friends with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
Our History
On July 10, 2011, a group of people gathered at a local Italian Restaurant in Queensbury, NY to set the stage for a new Wesleyan Church in the Glens Falls Region.
Led by Pastors Dean and Rosalie Brown, the group began training to become a disciple-making church that would impact the lives of men and women, boys and girls who are on a journey toward eternity.
After some 15 weeks of training, sharing, and sociological research, the fledgling group held their first Sunday service on October 9, 2011 with 36 persons present.
In December 2023, Pastor Paul Mead was called to Vantage Pointe Church. Pastor Paul continues to carry the message that what the Lord did for him, He will do for others as well.
Our Vision and Mission
VP Vision Statement: Helping you see in you, what God sees in you.
2 Corinthians 3:18… So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
VP Mission Statement: Making disciples for the Glory of God and for the Good of our Community.
What is Discipleship?
Discipleship is the life long journey of moving from unbelief to belief in the Gospel in every area of your life, changing what you love and how you live.
GUIDED BY PASTORS – The pastoral team is led by our lead pastor, Paul Mead. The team exists to help equip our church family for ministry and oversee the day to day operation of the church.
PROTECTED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS – The church council is comprised of members of the congregation to provide practical and spiritual council to the lead pastor. They also are charged to oversee the finances and speak into the overall direction of the church.
ENABLED BY GENEROSITY – At Vantage Pointe Church many practice tithing for the support of Christ’s body, the church, as God commands. Scripture teaches that giving 10% of our income is a good starting point for a standard of giving. The giving of tithes and offerings is a form of worship to Jesus Christ and is an expression of the relationship between the individual giver and the Lord.